Okay, I really can’t stop myself from blogging this, and I think I’ll take this moment to share the trick now that there is what we call the “Internet”. What trick? How to get to secret places in Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. 1. No, not those warp rooms and other stuff, this one will lead you to a place you’ve probably haven’t seen before, example, an underwater castle, or the “Negative World”, you don’t believe me? Read on..
Follow up:
I’m going to borrow a few pictures and few explanations from another site (which I will quote below).
I got there it seemed the level just repeated itself over and over until you ran out of time. That is, if you took the wrong route. Through trial and error I’ve discovered that if you take a certain route in the level AND get all the coins, the wall above the warp zone seen in the picture to the left BECOMES transparent to the player, and Mario can swim right through unscaved.
Interesting? Curious already?
He goes on showing screenshots of the Negative Worlds and how he was surprised that no one shared about it for 20 years, and to quote: Thats why the NES has such a strong cult community.
My only reaction is that, we did it before, 20 years ago. Back then we used to call bugs or secret levels as simple “errors”. What triggered my memory are these screenshots:
That underwater green castle, I have a specific comment. Under Nintendo Family Computer SMB cartridge version (the very first and original SM, Mario “walks” towards the castle. But according to him:
note. Instead of walking into the castle, Mario swims in. I thought that was really neat.
So maybe, just maybe, the NES version of SMB1, Nintendo changed something (or even added more stuff).
Anyway, not being a kill-joy here, but one reason why no one shared it during the internet age is because it’s a classic game that we won’t remember it anymore.
Check his website: Super Mario Bros. Negative World for NES system.