S2 Games Strife Road Tour in ASEAN This Month!

Asiasoft Corporation announces that it will be S2 Games‘ South-East Asia operations partner for Strife, the premier second-generation free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (“MOBA”) game, for Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and VietNam.

Follow up:

Strife was developed by S2 Games, a pioneer in MOBA genre of video game industry, their first being the popular Heroes of Newerth. With over six years of game development experience–from Savage: The Battle for Newerth to Savage 2: A Tortured Soul then Heroes of Newerth–in multiple platforms (GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows) too, the company is set to launch its latest game Strife.

“S2 Games has developed Strife to be a highly accessible and collaborative multiplayer game without sacrificing the competitive aspect found in MOBA genre,” says Sherman Tan, Chairman of Asiasoft. “On behalf of Asiasoft, we are delighted to be S2 Games’ Operations Partner in Southeast Asian countries and we are looking forward to bring Strife to our audience.”

“Our philosophy at S2 Games for Strife is to create a MOBA utilizing clean sheet design that will appeal to a mainstream audience. We have high expectations for this title, and we needed an experienced, proven leader in Southeast Asia to achieve those goals,” says Marc DeForest, Chief Executive Officer at S2 Games. “We are confident that partnering with Asiasoft will propel Strife to a massive audience.”

Throughout October of this year, S2 Games will conduct a Southeast Asia Road Tour, stopping first at Singapore, then Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and last but not the least, Thailand. This will be the first time a playable demo of Strife is officially available outside of the United States.

Yes, you read that right, playable demo. If you’ve watched videos of its demo in their North American and European Road Tours, today is your chance to get your hands on it before the rest of the world in the last quarter of the year, when the game enters beta.

  • Singapore: Campus Game Fest, October 4 to 6
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand: Asiasoft’s PlayPark FanFest Event, October 26 to 27.

Strife is set to launch officially early next year.

Visit the official StrifeSEA Facebook fanpage here.

Visit the official Strife website: www.strife.com.

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