Racing Game Driven Goes Beta!

FUNEAST Co., Ltd. a developer of Driven is servicing its very first closed beta test service through Facebook App platform on 30th of August 2012. Full 3D racing game is now available on web and it doesn’t require high end spec PC to play.

Follow up:

Driven uses realistic full 3D graphics and allows players to become a leading driver through SNS functions available at Facebook App platform. Also players have functions to help their friends in repairing or giving Game Points to their friends.

Beginning with Jeju Island’s scenic routes, players can collect various race tracks around the world and also collect various vehicle types which can be customized to improve their race results. Players has to overcome various obstacles such as uphill, curvy roads, and NPC vehicles to complete a race. Player’s vehicles has unique special functions for players to enjoy dynamic race experience.

There are many play modes available in Driven, however during the CBT period only “Time Attack Mode” and “Ghost Mode” is available. Time Attack Mode aims players to become fastest driver to complete a race on each available map. Whilst Ghost Mode allows players to compete against their friend’s record in selected race track. In the future, “PvP Mode” will be available where a maximum of 4 players can compete against each other at the same time. Also a bet system and famous racer from each country for a spectacular race. When a player reaches a certain level they can enter Championship tournament and the winner of the tournament will be able to design their own race track under their name.

The main purpose of Driven CBT will be testing the stability of servers and consumption of contents. FUNEAST is willing to take all valuable comments made from their testers and reflect it in its future service.

DRIVEN CBT is schedules from 30th of August 2:00pm (UTC+8) until 6th of September 2012. Every Facebook user will be able to play DRIVEN during CBT. While Driven open-beta test is expected on 27th of September 2012.

Visit the official Driven Fan Page at or the official website at

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