LFG: League For Gamers Founded

Red 5 Studios, the guys behind the much-awaited Massively Multiplayer Third-Person Shooter (MMOTPS) game Firefall founded League For Gamers (“LFG”) that will stand as the opposition to bills that can harm the industry and the community.

This has been prompted after the Entertainment Software Association (“ESA”) and the Video Game Voters Network (“VGVN”) showed strong support for SOPA and PIPA. ESA is also the guys behind the Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3, which Red 5 Studios backed-out from in protest.

Follow up:

LFG also happens to stand for the online gamer term “Looking for Group” which encompasses LFG’s lifelong mission to gather gamers and developers together in a mission to promote games in a positive way, spread the passion of gaming, and protect gaming interests in politics. LFG’s most recent goal is the opposition of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP), which LFG feels is misguided and overbearing legislation which would not only fail to protect IP rights for developers, but would also have a chilling effect on free speech, live streaming, e-Sports, gaming innovation and user created content.

Source: Who Are We?

Current members of LFG are (as of January 21, 2012):

  1. Red 5 Studios
  2. Razer
  3. Night Owl Games
  4. and countless of gamers

To the game developers, if you agree that SOPA and PIPA will harm the industry, the community, your business, better join League For Gamers and show your support.

To the gamers who were big supporters of the Video Game Voters Network and you were disappointed with their stance, there is now a group for you and me that will stand against moves that will harm all of us. LFG.

LFG is LFG. So join now!

Official Website: LeagueForGamers.org

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