Heroes of Might and Magic Online Goes Open Beta on June 11th

Remember the online game I told you about? Heroes of Might and Magic Online, it is going open beta this June 11 exclusively for Asian gamers only.

When the game first launched in closed beta test last May 7th, it received thousands of players and countless of visitors to the official website. Through the community’s help, the developers were able to squash as many bugs as possible – especially those that are causing game breakages.

Most of it are now gone, in just under one month.

Follow up:

Now TW Digital Entertainment and Ubisoft is ready to go open beta this June 11, at 9:00am Hong Kong Time (that is UTC+0800H, same time as ACT [Asean Common Time]). But the agreement between TQ Digital and Ubisoft is that the game will only be available within Asia.

In other words, all IP addresses that are not located in any Asian country will be blocked from access – even those who helped during the closed beta period. This is the nature of game publishing licensing, even though the game is in English, their agreement dictates that only Asians can play the game.

But knowing gamers, if they want to play the game they will find a way around this IP blocking – and there are plenty of ways to do that (don’t ask me because I won’t tell you). Am I right my fellow gamers?

If you are in Asia and you want to play Heroes of Might and Magic Online, you better start downloading the client now because it is a whopping 1,373.3MiB (1.37GiB). It will probably take 6 to 12 hours to download if you are not in any high-speed Internet countries like Korea; Japan; Singapore; and China (including Taipei and Hong Kong).

See you in-game!

Download the game here.

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