Wow, this is every gamers dream – a real-life experience of a virtual world game! Welcome to Game Nation, the world’s first experiential video game theme partk and resort!!
They said it themselves: Your dreams and fantasies will come to life in adventures yet to be told. You will become anything you like and live out the character you create. But this is no game. It’s real.
Follow up:
You stand in line with your family – your friends – your clan. You’re among many. Talks of strategies, goals and notoriety are all around you. What stands before you is a towering entrance, which calls to all and challenges your inner warrior. You know behind these walls there awaits a world filled with myths, legends and arenas all crying out for their champion.
As you pass through the gates, you leave behind all worldly stereotypes. You’re now one of millions, all equal, separated only by your skill, wit, and achievements, which will be proven. Your experience points and score are recognized by the guardians of this domain. As players walk by, recruits are saluted and veterans are bowed down to.
You are guided to the armory where you must select your weapon. You choose from majestic relics, whimsical hardware or advanced gear. Here your dreams and fantasies will come to life in adventures yet to be told. You will become anything you like and live out the character you create.
But this is no game. It’s real. Welcome to Game Nation!
Source: What is Game Nation?
In short, it’s a grandiose LARP or Live-Action Role-Playing. For the next twelve months, Game Nation will be deciding the best location for the Experiential Theme Park. I hope they check out the Philippines, there are many empty lands here that they can convert into a Video Game Theme Park.
Speaking of theme park, I just hope they have a section for sandbox gamers too. Haha, no seriously. Open-ended, skill-based, classless section where we can choose to hack down trees, fish, melt iron, etc. Well maybe not hacking down trees, we’ll have the environmentalists hacking our throats instead, but fishing is doable!
Don’t tell me it is boring, I haven’t failed to see players fishing in-game in any game with a fishing feature! And fishing is a real-life hobby and profession. (So does tree hacking )
There will be a resort too, maybe for those who just came from a bloodless battle, they can clean themselves up and relax before their next great adventure begins. And yeah I said bloodless there, what do you expect, you can hack down the arms and limbs of your opponents here?!
Of course the same goes with everything else in-game, there will be things that we will not exactly see and experience. Example, player-killing. Most gamers today play themepark games (no pun intended), best feature? Player respawn. Guess what? In real-life, once we die, it is game over. If you haven’t realized that yet, try to play games with perma-death and imagine yourself being that character. Oh, there are no resurrection spells either so don’t count on that.
Here’s another that I really hope we will not see there. The infamous World of Warcraft Night-Elven female nekkid dance. Haha, no sir, do that and I’m sure you’re going to get kicked-out. I will probably organize a raid to hunt down you all inside the Game Nation theme park
For now, all we can do is wait and to say to ourselves that finally we will be one step closer into living our fantasies.
Official website: