Install the Latest WINE On Ubuntu GNU/Linux

WINE or in full WINE Is Not an Emulator is the software that you will be using a lot if you want to play games made for Microsoft® Windows® on your GNU/Linux OS.

And it is constantly evolving to bring to you and me more applications made for MS-Win to Linux – yes, not just games! So it is only appropriate that we get the latest release of WINE because surely it contains fixes and improvements.


Follow up:

As you probably know by now, many official distro repositories like Debian and Ubuntu takes time to update their respective repos. It is justified however, because they want to guarantee complete, if not perfect, compatibility to the whole system before you and me gets the update. But then, being gamers as we are, we are already too used to living on the edge, are we not?

Thus, below you will be guided step-by-step to installing the latest WINE version whenever there is a new development release. Development? Yes, dev-release version. You shouldn’t be afraid of it at all.

But if you are, then this guide isn’t for you. Just stick with WINE version 1.0.1, while the rest of us use the latest – as of this time, version 1.1.26.

Note: I’m using Ubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope” as my OS.

  1. Download the GPG Key for WINE:
  2. Open your ‘Synaptic Package Manager’ (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager)
  3. Open ‘Repositories’ (Settings -> Repositories)
  4. Select the tab: ‘Third-Party Software’
  5. Click the ‘Add…’ button and enter: deb jaunty main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope"
  6. Click the ‘Add Source’ button
  7. Next go to the ‘Authentication’ tab
  8. Click the ‘Import Key File…’ button
  9. Choose the ‘Scott Ritchie.gpg’ file you downloaded earlier
  10. Click the ‘Close’ button
  11. Click the ‘Close’ button again
  12. Click ‘Reload’ to update your software list
  13. ‘Search’ for: WINE and install it

You’re done! Everytime you run Synaptic and get updates, you will also get the latest WINE immediately.

Now if you are running a different distro, just visit this page to find out the correct URLs to use.

If you need additional help, please post your questions in detail here: gameshogun forums

Visit the official website: WineHQ.
Visit the official download and configuration page: Wine Downloads for all Linux distros.

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