Tag what you want to buy with StyleFeeder

This is an interesting Web2.0 service, by their description:

StleFeeder lets you find, share and keep track of the cool products you find online. You can make visual bookmarks, browse other people’s lists, and never lose track of the things you want to buy.

These are the new type of Web2.0 services coming out, services that will help us make our daily routine much more easier. Time to get those ideas out and materialized and enough of Web2.0 bookmarking-services – we already have countless of similar services!

Follow up:

StyleFeeder is for stuff you want to buy, while uLinkx is for videos and MP3s you want to keep track of across different sites.

Now we have a social-buyers network, we also have social-user-generated-content network, and countless of social-bookmarking networks, social-friends network, what else do we need?

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