Six Apart Acquires Pownce and Shuts Down

Pownce is shutting down on December 15, 2008 after it was acquired by Six Apart, the Company behind Movable Type, TypePad, and Vox. I can only think that the developers of Pownce will join existing teams or launch a new project under the Six Apart house, by doing so they will have no time to continue on Pownce’s development.

So, congratulations on the acquisition and more good projects come out from the developers. will be shut down by December 15, 2008. If you would like to keep your content, we have created an export tool to assist you under Settings > Export. But please be sure to have exported your content by December 15, 2008 as it will not be accessible after that date.

We want to thank you for building the Pownce community. We are sad we must close, but we encourage you to continue the spirit of Pownce on Vox or TypePad.

Shut Down announcement

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