Yeh, more social bookmark services, but this time they’re the ones using the existing services to provide fast and easy ‘bookmarking’ for bloggers and readers.
Follow up:
Keotag – is a tag search engine (cool!) which enables anyone to easily search a lot of social bookmarking services for a certain tag. Keotag searches 16 services (as of the time of this writing – 43things, Blinklist, Blogpulse,, digg, Feedmarker, Feedster, furl, Google, Icerocket, NewsVine, Rawsugar, Shadows, Tagzania, Technorati, and Yahoo. Keotag also offer a tag generator for Technorati, and Icerocket.
Socializer – a centralized bookmarking service that will allow a reader to ’social-bookmark’ a blog post to 22 social bookmarking services. A useful tool for webmasters to minimize the images in their websites (just check this blog alone after this post). Socializer offer services to – Backflip, Blinklist, blogmarks,, digg, Feed Me Links!, furl, kinja, Linkroll, looklater, Magnolia, maple, netvouz, Newsvine, Raw Sugar, reddit, Shadows, Simpy, Spurl, Squidoo, wists, and Yahoo! My Web. What makes this different from the rest is that Socializer will handle all the graphics and links in their site without the webmaster worrying about serving lots of graphics and links to his/her blog.
Social Bookmark Link Maker – this one is the largest of them all and at the same time offers a different set of SBS (Social Bookmarking Service to make it short) – 32 SBS all-in-all namely – BlinkBits, BlinkList, Blgmarks, Buddymarks, CiteUlike, Connotea,,, Digg it, FeedMarker, feedmelinks, furl, Give a Link, Gravee, igooi, Lilisto, Linkagogo, Linkroll, ma.gnolia,, Netvouz, Onlywire, RawSugar, reddit, Scuttle!, Shadows, Simpy, Spurl, tagtooga, TalkDigger, Wink, and Yahoo! My Web. The interface is simple and the links generated are links a webmaster must put in his/her blog code to appear.
Could this be all? We’ll see but I doubt this will be the end of the race. A new space born – “Centralized-SBS”, instead of them offering their own database, they offer a way for webmasters to lessen the load on their server and for the readers to easily social-bookmark with the countless of SBS sprouting like mushrooms here and there.
Enjoy it all!
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