As I am slowly enhancing this new blog (I’m really enjoying managing), I thought of adding a feature wherein you – the reader, can easily bookmark, tag, digg, the posts you found interesting right there and then after reading a post.
Welcome the addon I call the “Bookmark this Post” which you can download now at this link or this link.
It is a simple addon, no PHP edits at all, it is skin-based. Additionally, you can also use the said addon to your favorite blog application like WordPress.
Free images are included in the downloadable zip file. If you will credit me or this blog, do contact me at the email included in the instructions file so I can mention you back. Now if you will create better images and you want to share those images, don’t hesitate to email me the images and I will gladly include those in the zip file.
Hope you all enjoy my 1st contribution to the b2evolution community !!
Just look down after this post and you’ll know what I’m talking about