I agree with this Wired News article that we should add a new category to the heating up competition in the region – “online gaming”.
Follow up:
“We are going to catch China by 2010,” says Sukamal Pegu, the 24-year-old founding member of the gaming division at Indiatimes Online, South Asia’s largest internet service provider. “It will be a challenge, but we’re making strides on China every day.”
“Gaming is a big driver of our business and it’s getting bigger,” said Anshil Opal, of Sify’s gaming division. “The more we educate the public through our website and the cafes, the faster word-of-mouth spreads.”
Which could lead to the creation of a formidable new sector in India’s information economy. According to a report released last month by the San Francisco consulting firm Pearl Research, which focuses on gaming trends in Asia, the Indian online games market will exceed $200 million in 2010.
“India is basically where China was in 2001,” says Allison Luong, Pearl’s managing director. “That’s when China’s games market started to develop and an online games culture started to form.”
Interesting? Level Up! Inc. made a good decision in investing in India for online gaming, they could very well become India’s “The9″.
Read more here.
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