FireFox 3 Download Day

Mozilla is going to attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the “Most Software Downloaded in 24 hours” on the release day of FireFox 3.

We were told to wait for the official announcement and then we can start mass mailing that fateful day. Well, that day has been set….

Download Day - English

Follow up:

Quoting directly from Mozilla Developer Blog:

Whenever we’re asked “when is Firefox going to be released” we endeavor to answer to the best of our abilities, but the truth of the matter is that we’ll only ever ship “when it’s ready”. We have a lot of indicators that help us understand when the product is ready for release: feedback from our pre-release milestones, excitement in the community and the press, availability of compatible Add-Ons, and a large active beta community helping us ensure that the release is compatible with all the various sites on the Internet.

After more than 34 months of active development, and with the contributions of thousands, we’re proud to announce that we’re ready. It is our expectation to ship Firefox 3 this upcoming Tuesday, June 17th.

So mark your calendars folks! 2008-June-17 is FireFox 3 Day World Guinness Record! Go find a parteh host and join in the fun! Let the worldwide parteh begin!!! (Don’t forget to send your photos to Mozilla to get a chance to be seen worldwide.)

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