The Heaven Smiles Upon Us
Tonight, I received text (SMS) messages about a Planetary Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, two of the 8 Planets in the Solar System. These two Planets happen to be above the Crescent Moon forming a giant Smiley in the Sky.I wasn’t able to take…
Invisbility cloak cloaser to reality
Yup, you read it right! The once just a pigment of the imagination and popular thing in both sci-fi and fantasy movies and novels called the invisible cloak has just taken a big leap towards becoming a real working thing.This development was reported…
Prehistoric Cave Discovered; 8 New Species Thrive Inside – gameshogun™ Since 2003
Quarry workers digging recently in central Israel broke through bedrock and stumbled into an entirely new and unique ecosystem, scientists announced Wednesday. The cavern had been sealed off from the outside world for millions of years. “The eight species found thus far are only the beginning” of what promises to be “a fantastic biodiversity,” researcher…
Richard Garriott accompanied Professor Stephen Hawking on his amazing zero-gravity flight – gameshogun™ Since 2003
The father of MMORPG and the one who revolutionized electronic RPGs – Richard “Lord British” Garriott, blogs about his experience on zero-gravity together with his girlfriend and the great scientist Professor Stephen William Hawking. Professor Hawking has had a lifelong desire to travel into space, and zero-g flights are now among the first steps in…