Here are three slides that I highly recommend to everyone, especially the Gen X’ers (who are currently the ones running companies and governments) and the Gen Y’ers (who are the incoming corporates and leaders).
Embedded slides after the jump.
Follow up:
First the “Marketing to Gen Y“, but before you start the slide, I want to share my Point-of-View of what the Generation Y covers.
In my opinion and research, Gen Y’ers are those born from 1977 to 1994. I see three sub-groupings for this generation:
- Early Gen-overlap – 1977 to 1982 (Gen Y’ers who can clearly relate to Gen X’ers)
- Core Group – 1982 to 1992 (most are not aware of the Gen X world anymore; except for a few like me; some calls the Video Games Generation)
- Late Gen-overlap – 1992 to 1994 (Gen Y’ers who lives in a world almost as similar with today’s Gen Z’ers; some calls the Interwebs Generation)
Commonly accepted Gen Y’ers:
- #1: 1977 to 1992
- #2: 1980 to 1995
But do not be confused. The official cut-off dates for Gen Y will only be established once the Gen Z’s let themselves known and starts shaping our one world society. Additionally, there are some adjustments per country, but overall, since the days of the Gen Y’s, the world has become small we won’t see much difference in generations on different countries. So without further ado….
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The second slide: “Web 2.0 and Brand Advocacy“
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And finally, “What the F**K is Social Media?“
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