IP E-games today switched to Invision Power Board (“IPB”) after using Simple Machines Forum (“SMF”) for the past years.
IPB as the choice for Community forums is one of my great contributions in the Philippine Online Gaming Industry (“POGI”). I have been using IPB since its first appearance (v0.xx back then), that’s more or less a decade ago. I then established the largest and longest-running gaming guild in the Philippines – Holy Order of the Light™ back in January 2003, and I used IPB since.
Follow up:
I was then hired by Level-Up, Inc. and together with a colleague – Paul Mendoza, we proposed to migrate RagnaBoards from phpBB to IPB. The rest is history, I moved to Mobius Gamesand then to iPlay Asia™, both I proposed IPB over any other forum software available. Other gaming companies followed suit – netGames, netPlay, and amped (then ABS-CBN Interactive).
IP E-games, one of the local gaming companies who did not choose IPB, used my second recommendation – SMF. Today, they joined the many IPB powered Communities in the country. Good choice and congratulations on your successful IPB-powered E-games forums.
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