Guild Wars: Factions – Cantha Continental Map

UPDATE 7/15/06: (Update Post)

Here is the latest version of the Continental Cantha Map for Guild Wars Factions.

Guild Wars Factions – Cantha Map

* Updated a few zones to reflect the recent patch/update changes.
* Fixed a few zones I mistakenly patched with an old zone version.


And finally it is here! The complete map for Cantha, a whole new continent introduced in Guild Wars: Factions. If you still remember, I wrote a short historical-article about the great Moomanibe’s Tyria Continental Map and since I haven’t heard from Moomanibe, I decided I’ll compile a new map for Cantha which is now available for download by clicking: Cantha Continental Map. It is a high-resolution, cloudless and brighter map of the continent of Cantha where the SL (storyline) of Guild Wars: Factions takes place.

Follow up:

Additionally, I am also compiling the maps and information for the Alliance Battle, a new PvP feature introduced with Campaign 2: Factions, Guild Wars latest stand-alone expansion. The maps are not just a ‘map’, it also contain other information like where the borderline is at and what towns were conquered. It can be downloaded by clicking: Alliance Battle Maps.

I hope you all enjoy this little contribution of mine to the whole Guild Wars Community.

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