Tomorrow is Earth Hour, Vote and Be Counted!! – gameshogun™ Since 2003

Tomorrow Saturday, March 28, 2009, starting from 8:30pm to 9:30pm (your local time) is Earth Hour. A worldwide event and movement to raise awareness about Climate Change – not just Global Warming (although that’s what their “About” page says) but to all areas and factors that contributes to negative climate change.

Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.

Source: Earth Hour: About

More after the jump…

Follow up:

This year, the target is at least 1 billion people switching off their lights. This will be the first worldwide vote in Earth’s History that is not about Nations, States, or Organizations, it is about and for the only Planet we live – Earth.

Yesterday, I asked a question via Plurk (the #1 microblogging tool here in Asia) that goes “Do you believe in…… Sentient Beings other than the Human Race?Mike replied, “Sometimes I wonder if the human race is sentient.”

We will find out tomorrow if the Human Race of Planet Earth are Sentient Beings. Will Earth Hour 2009 succeed? Are we conscious of what really is happening in our environment? Do we really care for our children or we only care for ourselves?

Listen to the message and call of Mr. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General:

So make your vote count! Vote Earth tomorrow by switching off your lights for 60 minutes. That’s all you have to do, nothing so fancy, you don’t need to spend money or anything – just switch off your lights! By showing your support, you will be helping in telling the world leaders that it is time to take this negative climate change seriously. The result of this movement will be presented at the coming Global Climate Change Conference.

You can also show support beyond switching off your lights. Here are other ways:

Take a photo on the night, upload it to Flicky and add it to Earth Hour’s Flickr group which you can find here.

For the Google Picasa fans (like me), just upload your photos to PicasaWeb. Or if you prefer to upload it elsewhere, just be sure to tag all your photos with: EarthHour, VoteEarth, and your location. I’ll add the year of the photo as well ;)

Make a video of your event, upload it to YouTube and add it to Earth Hour’s YouTube group.

Again, follow the same tagging as the photos above.

Just like this (the one you are reading), write a blog post during the event (or after the event if you will be outside) about Earth Hour, for example, did you have a candlelight dinner with your family? Have you witnessed how establishments and your own company participated?

Once again, tag it with EarthHour, VoteEarth, and your location.

During that 60 minutes, go update all your microblogging accounts and share to the world your experience of Earth Hour in your locality. Yes, tag it with EarthHour, VoteEarth, and your location. (Of course use the tagging format of your microblog platform.)

As simple as that! After this event, it is all in the hands of the politicians and our Creator.

As Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.


:: Official Accounts ::
Flickr: Earth Hour Global
MySpace: Earth Hour @MySpace
Twitter: Earth Hour @Twitter
YouTube: Earth Hour 2009
Facebook Group: Earth Hour Group
Facebook Fans: Earth Hour Fans

:: News ::
Google Blog: Introducing Earth Connect for Earth

:: Other Event Websites ::
Bloggers Unite for Earth Hour

Image Source: Earth Hour Philippine merchandise – Button Pin. Photo taken by me and licensed under CC By-SA 3.0 Philippines.

Creative Commons License: Attribution, Share-AlikeExcept where otherwise noted, this content is
licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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