Blognet v7

Welcome to the v7 of Blognet. After two and a half weeks, its finally online. So what’s new? Read on…


Follow up:

the Changes:

  1. New Layout – Midnight

    Original design by Free CSS Templates, I redesigned, enhanced and ported “Midnight” to b2evolution, the best blog application currently available.

  2. Syndication/Feed is now Atom 1.0

    As previously announced, Blognet switched fully to Atom 1.0 Feed platform, it is the latest syndication/feed version today (superceding the chaotic and confusing RSS/RDF platform), and currently the proposal as the web-standard for feeds, submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium, the body that regulates and develops Web Standards (HTML, XHTML, CSS, DOM, etc.) More about Atom 1.0 vs RSS/RDF later.

  3. Web-Font 2 Blognet is now using the Web-Font 2 pack as its default or primary web-font. These are the C6 Fonts namely – Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and Corbel. There are other two fonts not included (mainly because it is Vista™ exclusive) as of the time of this writing, these are – Meiryo and Segoe UI. I will be discussing more about the Web-Font 2 a few days from now. If you don’t have these fonts, you will see the site under the Web-Font 1 pack (Verdana, Times New Roman, Arial, etc.) If you want to get the new Web-Fonts2 legally, simply download PowerPoint 2007 Viewer by clicking here. (’Web-Font 2′ and ‘C6 Fonts’ coined by JC John SESE Cuneta)

With that said, we also have the “Upcoming”:

  • Cleaning Up

    We will do some cleaning up here and there, to enhance the loading time of the Blognet. You may notice disappearing and reappearing sections (especially blocks) to test which is a better configuration.

  • WebDev Articles Blognet will be featuring articles about Web Standards, this will range from the History to W3C, from the web-fonts to using CSS.

  • Opening up the application to be a contributor

    We will be sending invitations to people to join and become a contributor in one or more blogs of Blognet. As a primer, you must be a gamer ;)

That’s it for now. Hope you enjoy the Blognet v7!!

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