World of Warcraft: Cataclysm has been officially announced at the recently held BlizzCon. By patch v4.0, the face of Azeroth will once again experience a dramatic change overnight, just like how it was during the War of the Ancients when the super-continent of Kalimdor broke apart.
This time however it will be deadlier, as one of the Dragon Aspect tasked to guard the planet resurfaces again after a long slumber. The same dragon that betrayed the other Dragon Aspects in the War of the Ancients – Deathwing.
He is back, and he was hiding in the Elemental Planes. After all his wounds were healed, after all his preparations are done, he tore the barrier that is separating the Elemental Plane and the Plane of Azeroth wreaking the planet, bringing massive turbulence and destruction in his wake.
The Barrens was torn apart. Auberdine was thrown up. The massive gates of Gilneas crumbled. Water flowed in the desolate places and turned it into a thick forest. Everywhere you go there were major changes, only a few were not affected this much like the northern continent of Northrend where the Alliance and Horde, while battling each other, are busy trying to bring justice and end the terror of the Lich King Arthas.
Follow up:
This is the new face of Azeroth. It will never be the same again. As a virtual citizen of this planet, there are tasks to do before the world changes forever. World of Warcraft bloggers (and commenters) are posting their “Cataclysm Bucket List”. Exactly what I have been thinking since the official announcement of Cataclysm.
Having no cool name to call my list – and Cynwise and Chicanery got to post theirs first – we will call it that – The Cataclysm Bucket List.
So here is Yarso’s “Cataclysm Bucket List”
- Revisit every zone again and take photos of memorable areas (specially quest areas)
- Conduct a small event to document/record for one last time an actual Alliance vs. Horde in Astranaar and Southshore (post-Cataclysm, these two towns falls on Horde control)
- Visit the entrance to the Mount Hyjal zone (you gotta take a screenshot of the under construction sign as a level 80!)
- Visit the known towns that will be destroyed like Auberdine
- Take a souvenir photo in front of the massive Gilneas gate
- Revive The Barrens chat for one last time (it will never be the same again)
- Finish all the classic dungeons and raids (I’m a soloist so I skipped most of it – Imagine, I did Onyxia a few days ago only!!)
- Get the achievements that will be affected by the Cataclysm (these will probably become a “Feat of Strength”)
- Tour the Capital Cities as a Tourist (as an opposing faction!! That’s why I said “tourist”.)
- Do old BGs especially Warsong Gulch (these are likely to change or removed, like WSG. Ashenvale falls into the hands of the Horde, in other words the Alliance not only failed defending Astranaar, but they also failed miserably in the battle of Warsong Gulch.)
Some of these photo-ops will be possible if I log-in back to my Alliance character (which I haven’t played for 2 years). Which is fine, my other characters also deserves to keep memories of the past world, or present depending on “when” you’re looking at it.
That’s my Cataclysm Bucket List. Some already underway (like revisiting the old dungeons and getting the related achievements), some still being planned (like the raid on Astranaar and Southshore, which will require the participation of both the Alliance and Horde on our server – Suramar).
Now I am passing the torch to the other WoW players, your turn, what’s your Cataclysm Bucket List?
Photo by Valerie Everett, licensed under CC By-SA 2.0.