The Guild Masters’ Forum – A Big Success

Yesterday I went to the Pinoy Gaming Network’s Guild Masters’ Forum where Guild Masters learned how their leadership skills can be used in the real-world.

Follow up:

It was a blast! The venue was filled-up, every seat and every table taken, the other guests just stood during the seminar. Gamers from Cabal, RAN Online, Audition Dance Battle, and Ragnarok Online arrived. Me? I came as a gamer of World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and Puzzle Pirates.

David Lleno, or “Sir David” in the gaming world and the owner of Pinoy Gaming Network, opened the event by showing an IBM study on gaming guild leadership and how it actually helps the gamers, the corporate world, and the rest of the world around us.

Online gamers and guild leaders in particular, are unknowingly developing the skills that they will need in the real-world, skills related to collaboration, self-organization, risk-taking, openness, influence, and communications. These are the skills that are being sought by employers today, and the same set of skills that can make a difference in our country. Which the surprise speaker, Senator Francis Joseph “Chiz” Guevara Escudero iterated, expounded, and explained.

There was also Gil Edeza, founding member of Level Up, Inc., now President of IP e-Games, who shared the Philippine Online Gaming Industry (or P.O.G.I.)’s status today, and where we are headed – to Professional Gaming. (And more games :p )

It was a fruitful discussion, especially when Sen. Chiz Escudero explained how gaming guilds are no different from the NGOs or Non-Government Organizations we hear and know today. It is a fact that many guilds and guild leaders are yet to grasp and understand, the authority, the influence, the power that they have which can shape the world around us for the better, or for worst.

The event ended with a photo-ops session with the Senator and a raffle. Unfortunately, being the third one to arrive did not give me any luck to win the iPod Nano(?) Better luck next time for me.

Oh, I really like what Sen. Chiz mentioned last night, we need a dialogue between gamers and {put-some-group-here}. Just like what I said a few years ago, we need a dialogue between gamers and parents+politicians regarding (online) game addiction. Anything that is too much is bad, and we all agree with that.

Congratulations to Pinoy Gaming Network for a successful Guild Masters’ Forum! I can’t wait for the next one ;)

You can read more here: PGN: Guildmasters’ Forum a great success!
Senator Chiz Escudero’s Senate Profile.
IBM’s Study: The GIO Gaming Report & IBM’s Institute of Business Value.

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