The Level Up! Auction system is now up and available for all My Level Up! users. I blogged about this three (3) months ago when LU! first announced their plans of creating an auction site for their online games – Online Gaming Companies Joining the Virtual Asset Sales (VAS) model or RMT, and again, it’s here to stay – yet the majority of the gaming population still consider it illegal, stupid, will destroy the balance of the game, and a lot of other reasons. My personal opinion? We humans are afraid of change.
Follow up:
But we are not going to discuss again this secondary market (this is not an underground market anymore, since three or so years ago), and we are certainly not going to discuss the legality of this new service and feature of Level Up! because it is LEGAL.
Instead, let’s check some features of LU!’s Item Auction service.
According to LU!, users just have to top-up their account to purchase LU! game time or game credits. Then users will receive reward points that they can use to bid on exclusive, LEGAL, in-game items and currency auctions. Aside from it being virtually free, players can be assured that the items listed are legitimate game items and not generated illegally by whoever, in whatever means.
Who will benefit from this? The majority of the casual gamers who do not have time as hardcore gamers do. It is safe and secure and guaranteed to be real. No more worrying about hackers and scammers, no more visiting a place you don’t know just to sell or buy items and later get hacked because of keyloggers. The Auction site is for you.
Each items listed in the auction have the following information:
Bid ID
Current Bid Price
Highest Bidder
No. of Bids
Starting Bid
Bid Increment
Days Left
Start Date
End Date
A description, picture/screenshot of the item, and the Item Name exactly as what it is called/named in game, like a +7 Mantaeu or a Type D Strong Intense Sickle Staff and Weapon Upgrade Set (Bellato)
Among LU!’s five online games, the Item Auction website is currently available for Philippine Ragnarok Online, R.O.S.E. Online, and RF Online Philippines.
Start bidding now for those coveted items, or maybe you are dying to complete a set? Check out LU!’s Item Auction website now!
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