Luna Online Philippines launch today their Video Making Contest or in true gamer terminology – Machinima.
Follow up:
Players of Luna Online can create any machinima – be it a commercial, a music video, a short film, or a trailer, as long it is at least a minute long but no more than 5 minutes.
All entries must be uploaded on YouTube, and then the following details must be posted in the Luna-PH Forums and emailed to with the subject [Luna PH UGC].
- Character Name
- Server
- Real Name
- Contact Details (cellphone/landline)
- YouTube Link
- Type of Video (commercial/music video/short film/trailer)
I want to bring to your attention the 4th detail above – your cellphone and/or landline number. I strongly suggest that you do NOT post such personal and private information in their (public) forums – unless you want to invite SMS spammers and prank calls. Include it only when you send your info to their email as instructed above.
Now the prizes for the winners:
- Video will be featured in the Official Luna website
- 1st Place: Armour Set +6 (Any of the 3 Choices) + 2000 Luna Game Points
- 2nd Place: Armour Set +5 (Any of the 3 Choices) + 1000 Luna Game Points
- 3rd Place: Armour Set +4 (Any of the 3 Choices) + 500 Luna Game Points
The Armor sets are:
- Flamelist’s Set (Robe)
- Royal Guard Set (Heavy Armour)
- Cross Belt Set (Light Armour)
Submission of entries begins today, October 1st and ends on Octber 14th. By October 15th, the GMs of Luna Online will announce in the forums the Top 10 entries.
From then until October 30th, players will be able to vote for their favorite videos. Only votes entered from October 15 to 11:59am of October 30th will be counted.
On that same day, the winners will receive their prizes. So good luck in making those machinimas!!
For a more detailed mechanics, visit the official announcement page.