Last 10th of November, I posted this L$8,000 to be given away by Chino Yray, a few weeks later, I won L$5,000!
Thank you to Chino for the contest and the prize. I wasn’t hoping that I will be qualified then because we know each other IRL through the Holy Order of the Light.
But, as Chino said:
Follow up:
…I was having doubts if I should give the prize to him. But since it’s the Excel Randomizer that picked him and he joined the contest fairly, I guess I’ll just let the Randomizer decision be final.
So another huge thanks for that decision, and to the Excel Randomizer… even though I’m a huge supporter of FLOSS (Free/Libre Open-Source Software), the proprietary MS Excel still chose me (a sign? no way).
What to do with it? I’m still thinking.. I am exploring Second Life still, last I played this social virtual world was back in May 2005, and the past month I re-joined, I’m still a newbie considering how huge SL has become.
Finally, congratulations also to the other winners in other categories namely:
- aventurine.dogfish for the ‘lucky email subscriber’ winning L$1,000
- Ziam Waco for the ‘lucky commentator’ winning L$2,000
If you want to win and learn more about Second Life, keep reading Chino’s blog at, he’s the Filipino SL Millionaire!