How You Can Help the Victims of Typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana

On September 26, 2009 Saturday morning, Typhoon Ondoy (with International name Ketsana), hit the Philippines. A weak storm but it carried a huge amount of rain which caught the Filipinos by surprise.

Since then, various NGOs and individuals sprang into action. Some putting aside their own problems while others after securing their own families and belongings. This was all before official and professional help arrived at the scenes. Areas greatly affected by the flash flood, not just here in Megapolitan Manila but in neigboring provinces and regions.

Filipino netizens (those who were able to get back online) flooded the cyberspace with messages of missing people, families that require immediate help, photos, videos, prayers, and information on where, who, and how one can help with the rescue and relief operations.

Here are some of the links I was able to gather online.

Follow up:

But before that, I am calling all Filipino website and blog owners to change your AD spots to ads calling the attention of your visitors to help and donate. Below are two ads that you can download and use. Simply link it to the relief operation website of your choice, for example, I linked mine to this site: Operation Ketsana.


BG-Image: Greenpeace SEA Flickr

Design by: Antherion


BG-Image: Dan Saavedra; Design by: Antherion

You can of course create your own images, and if you do, please reply back here with the link to your design and I will include it above.

But, if changing your site’s ads is not an option (for whatever reason) or maybe you do not have a website or a blog, you can still help by visiting the following websites:

Manuel L. Quezon III is keeping updates regarding the relief and rescue efforts, with a spreadsheet of people to rescue, and more places to donate, visit him here. You can also keep track of the latest news and reports via Twitter by visiting this link: #Ondoy and #Ketsana Hashtag tracking.

To the International Community, it is our turn to ask for your help. You can help by donating anything that you can, or by coming here in the Philippines and offer your services, or through prayers.

We thank you in advance and God Bless you, your family, and friends.

* Photos from Yahoo! News and Calvin’s Hub.

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