IP E-Games and G.D.H. Group will release a Japanese MMORPG in the Philippines entitled “Pandora Saga” ( パンドラサーガ ), an original online game by GONZO Rosso – a member of the G.D.H. (GONZO Digimation Holdings) Group of Companies (the creator of the popular anime titles like Vandread and Gate Keepers “GONZO Digimation” is also part of the G.D.H. Group).
Pandora Saga is the 1st Japan-made MMORPG of GR-GDH (GONZO Rosso – G.D.H.) set on a fantasy world infused with the classic grandeur of Medieval Europe. The game offers realistic and action-driven battle experience to players and provides a wide array of battle strategies. This is an intense PvP Online Game where players will be able to choose allegiance with one of the three nations at war with each other.
Here are some screenshots of the game:
More after the jump!
Follow up:
There are six (6) races to choose from in the world of Pandora Saga, these are the Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Myrines, Enkidus, and Lapins. Then the classes are divided into four (4) basic types each with 2 upgrade levels. The 1st Tier are the basic classes namely – Warrior, Scout, Acolyte, and Mage. Below are the classes available and the upgrade tree giving a total of 28 classes to choose from! (The 3rd Tier classes are not yet revealed as of the time of this writing.)
- Warrior
- Gladiator
- Knight
- Scout
- Archer
- Agent
- Acolyte
- Priest
- Ascetic
- Mage
- Wizard
- Darkroar
Pandora Saga also features siege weapons, realistic graphics, well detailed designs, capture-the-flag (CTF) game, and hundreds of skills and spells to aid players in their conquest to win battles and ultimately win the war, and rule the world of Pandora Saga.
Watch the official video of Pandora Saga now! (pop-up)
Video #2: 640×480 | 320×240
Video #1: 640×480 | 320×240
Press Release:
GDH Announces License Deal for GONZO Rosso’s Original Online Game PANDORA SAGA in the Philippines
Official Sites:
G.D.H. English Press Release site
G.D.H. English Website
GONZO Rosso (Japanese)
Pandora Saga (Japanese)
The latest Philippine Online Games List.