HighStreet5 Now in Open Beta

The much-awaited “Audition Killer” (according to some blogs and Audition players) is now in Open Beta for Singapore! But fret not if you are not from Singapore, as anyone can still sign-up for a new account and join in the fun!

Open Beta started yesterday, 12th December 2007, so grab this chance now and be one of the Open Beta early birds and get that Top 10 spot from the rankings. However, do note that EagleGame decided not to wipe out any data from the previous Closed Beta. This is something new for the gaming industry, and something that is untested – how will new and old players react? I do not know, I myself have mixed opinions (and emotions) about this decision.

Regardless, it is about having fun, and with HighStreet5, YOU will surely have fun.

Join now by downloading the client and signing up here.
Look for me in-game, “Seraphim”, as always.

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