THQ, Inc. released their 2008 Quarter End Earnings report and they mentioned two big titles currently being developed by the company.
Follow up:
The first is WWE Online being developed here in Asia (and I will assume that it will follow the VAS (Virtual Asset Sales) business model [a.k.a. free-to-play with item mall]. And the second? StarCraft Universe – wait wrong game, it’s Warhammer 40k Online (rumoured to be the basis of StarCraft), being developed at THQ’s Vigil Studio.
Our other initiatives include our WWE online game being developed in Asia and our Warhammer 40,000 MMO game being developed at our Vigil Studio.
We think the popular Warhammer 40,000 Sci-fi universe is a great fit for PC MMO gaming.
A wrestling online game and a Sci-Fi MMO. If Warhammer 40k will come out first, they can probably enjoy being the newest Sci-Fi MMO for a few years before their stiff competitor releases StarCraft Universe (as I call it) IF they do plan on making the StarCraft franchise an MMO. (There’s a story that StarCraft was based on Warhammer 40k, if that is true or not, I do not know.. can someone share some information?)
Will I play Warhammer 40k MMO? Probably. I’m not really a fan of the franchise, but who said I won’t be?
Source: THQ, Inc. F3Q09 (Qtr End 12/31/08) Earnings Call Transcript
Via: Warhammer 40K MMO Still In-Development
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