The Guild Wars 4th Year Anniversary celebrations officially kicked-off on April 23 (coinciding with the release of GNU/Linux Ubuntu 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope”). ArenaNet prepared hard and long for this one, as they implemented not one, not two, not even three, but a lot of new features for all the players to enjoy.
Follow up:
The much requested enhancement in the game is to increase storage capacity of the Xunlai Storage (if you are not a Guild Wars player, this is the in-game bank). Whoever they contracted, it was a job well done (I’m sure they got help from the Asurans).
You can upgrade your storage in different ways:
- Equipment Packs in assorted sizes are now available in-game, designed solely to hold weapons and armor
- Every character will get a fifth slot for an Equipment Pack
- Buy up to four additional Storage Tab for only U$9.99 each
- Get the Free Storage Tab anniversary giveaway now!
The Free Storage Tab anniversary giveaway is available only until 11:59pm PDT on May 31, 2009. Grab this while it is available for they may never be another chance to get a free storage tab again. By the way, this will not count towards the 4 additional Storage Tabs that is purchasable.
To know how you can avail of this promotion, just click here.
The Hall of Monuments can now display and record both personal and account-wide achievements (yet another of the much requested enhancement). In addition to that, you can now arrange your display the way you prefer it, unlike before, the process of arranging takes a long time and to some/most of the players, it’s a hit-and-miss process.
For us Rangers, it has been a painful road for the past years as we let go of our dear pets if we decide to tame a new one. Well, now we can have our old pets back in our arms – sort-of. The Zaishen Menagerie tames a lot of common pets in the world of Tyria, and maybe, just maybe, one of those were our old buddies.
Additionally, the Zaishens will train our pets in different evolutions. Gone are the days when we Rangers have to do various methods just to achieve a particular pet evolution (and yet it seems it’s all hit-and-miss). They will train even our prestige pets.
Now if you have a low collection of pets, you can purchase the new Pet Unlock Pack for only U$9.99 which will unlock all the common pets:
- Albino Rat
- Black Bear
- Black Wolf
- Crane
- Crocodile
- Dune Lizard
- Flamingo
- Hyena
- Iguana
- Jahai Rat
- Lion
- Lioness
- Lurker
- Lynx
- Melandru’s Stalker
- Moa Bird
- Mountain Eagle
- Polar Bear
- Raven
- Reef Lurker
- Tiger
- Warthog
- White Crab
- White Tiger
- White Wolf
- Wolf
For the prestige pets, you have to tame them and bring them to the Zaishen Menagerie, these are:
- Black Moa
- Black Widow
- Jingle Bear
- Moss Spider
- Phoenix
- Rainbow Phoenix
- White Moa
Oh btw, the moss spider is a new tameable pet. You can learn more here.
Time to get a makeover for your characters, just visit Anatomical Engineer Llye [Stylist] in the Great Temple of Balthazar to get your makeover. However, the Stylist only accepts Makeover Credits and Extreme Makeover Credit.
The Makeover Pack contains 5 Makeover Credits that will allow you to change your character’s Body Size, Hair Color, Hair Style, Facial Type, and Skin Color. While the Extreme Makeover Pack will allow you to change your character’s gender as well!
But what is the difference with creating a new character? Simple, you can mix-and-match all features from ALL Campaigns! No, you can not do that for a new character.
The Makeover Pack and Extreme Makeover are prices for only U$9.99 and are purchasable from the In-Game Store or the NCsoft Store.
Many are familiar with the Zaishen Challenge in the Battle Isles, and soon the Zaishen will extend their Challenge in the form of new quests. There will be three different types of Zaishen Challenge Quests: Mission, Bounty, and PvP.
- Mission quests send you to replay storyline missions from each campaign
- Bounty quests dispatch you to kill boss monsters in dungeons, veteran missions, and explorable areas
- PvP quests challenge you to win battles in various PvP types
Each day, a new quest of each type is available in the Great Temple of Balthazar. You can complete these Zaishen Challenge Quests any time you wish; however, you can only have three in your quest log at once. Check back daily to take on the new Zaishen Challenge Quest experience, whether in relaxed solo runs or paired up with a friend or larger group for co-op play.
Learn more about Zaishen Challenge Quests!
You can now rename your characters for U$14.99 for every name change. This new service is available at the In-Game Store and the NCsoft Store. You can learn more by clicking here.
* Images from Guild Wars website.
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