Philippines PNP-CIDG: Addiction to Online Gaming is a Disease
Today I found out about the Philippine National Police’s “Criminal Investigation & Detection Group” (or CIDG) Project Angel Net: Internet Child Protection Program. They have a link about the different online risks “children” can and will encounter i…
Game Addiction is Not an Addiction, says experts
Game Addiction is Not an Addiction, says expertsAs simple as that. Game Addiction as we commonly call someone playing (video/online) games as if there’s no tomorrow, is still out of the “addiction book” of the doctors. Isn’t that neat? Further sho…
Online addiction a growing problem – gameshogun™ Since 2003
Another article! This time from the US. As a freshman at the University of North Texas, Daniel Folmer would sometimes play video games for 12 hours straight. He stopped going out with friends. He sank into academic probation. When his girlfriend came over, he stayed in his virtual world. Then she told him something that…
Weak Link between Game Addiction and Aggression – gameshogun™ Since 2003
Or let me rephrase it, their evidence is weak linking game addiction and violence. So in other words, the argument that “Gamers Will Soon Become War-Freak Adults” was just a politician’s attempt to blame gaming for something the society does not want to blame on them (the politicians). Again, as I’ve said before, and I…